Sunday, December 16, 2012

Understanding and Applying Aerial Perspective

Students identified key components of depth in natural settings and are creating their own landscape showing:
1. objects reducing in size as they recede
2. objects reducing in color saturation as they recede
3. objects moving towards the horizon line as they recede (up the page for land, down the page for sky)

Students can also add surrealist elements or symbolic elements to their landscape if they chose. 

Here is a power point we discussed during the initial stages of this process...

Monday, December 3, 2012

Newly Enrolled Students...

Welcome!  We are so glad you're joining us!  In lieu of completing the Art research paper, due for your peers next week, you have two smaller assignments.

First you will need a sketchbook for this class, and second you must complete three value study (shaded) drawings of objects in it, of your choice.  Please be sure to look at actual objects or images, do not make these particular objects up out of your head.

Both the sketchbook and the drawings are due A day 10th, B day 11th.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Artist Presentation Requirements

Please remember you have a 5 minute presentation to address:
Your artist’s life (birth/death /family/ home country?)  
What inspired your artist, or your artist's education?         
What famous pieces your artist made?
The way you feel about your artist’s work?   

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

In Progress Non Objective Works

Students looked at works by Russian artist Wassily Kandinsky and contemporary American artist Moe Brooker and then designed their own abstracted or non-objective piece infusing self expression and emotional content into the work. 

Kandinsky once said "Of all the arts, abstract painting is the most difficult. It demands that you know how to draw well, that you have a heightened sensitivity for composition and for colors, and that you be a true poet. This last is essential." Students considered their own purpose in creating meaningful work.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Moving Into Themes, Homework due Nov 29th / 30th

Hi Students, so as you may have gathered from class on Friday, we are moving into analyzing our own self expression and making deliberate choices to convey a purpose.  We will be talking about themes, personal narratives, and social comments a lot in the upcoming months. 

Since you are still developing your artist research paper and power point presentation for December, your homework will continue to be light until then. 

Please come to class on Nov 29th B day and Nov 30th A day with a list of 5 current social issues that matter most to you.  Notice that social issues are topics that you would like to see changed or improved in our society.  This will be discussed in class the 27th and 28th, but my top 5 are:

1. ethical animal treatment / animal rights
2. arts education for all students
3. environmental concerns
4. treatment of our senior citizens
5. obesity, especially in children

Other issues may include, but are certainly not limited to: child abuse / neglect, gun laws, homelessness, discrimination, immigration laws, divorce rates, violent video games, drug use / sales, political concerns, war, teenage pregnancy, etc

See you soon -
Mrs. Johnson

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

In Progress One Point Perspective

The students studied one point perspective and applied the concepts to a drawing of the school hallway. At this point students have moved back into the classroom and are retracing their own lines with sharpie.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Our PAFA Trip

Students took a trip to the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art today, saw several of the works we discussed in class, and learned about a few new artists as well. We had a great time!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Upcoming Artist Presentation

Students, please do not forget that your rough drafts are due to me on either November 16th (A day) or the 19th (B day).  These can be hand written, they can be in note form, and spelling will not count. 

Your final presentations will be on the following dates:

A day:
December 10th, 12th, or 14th - there are 9 slots per day.
B day:
December 11th, 13th, or 17th - there are 9 slots per day.
A snow day(s) will bump these dates back. 

There is a sign up sheet available in the classroom to add your name to the date of your choice, or you can email me at to reserve you day.  This is a first come first serve basis. 

See you all Tuesday!
Ms. Johnson

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Nov 2nd/5th Homework Assignments

Assigned Nov 2nd / 5th
  • Students also complete perspective vocabulary sheet, due the 7th / 8th, also provided in class. 
  • Students also complete three “fix the mistake” bibliography examples to prepare for their own bibliography, also provided in class, due Nov 9th / 13th
  • Students are to begin writing their artist research paper, rough draft should be completed by Nov 16th / 19th – can be read by teacher for feedback. 

One Point perspective terms:

Vanishing Point -
Horizon Line -
Parallel Lines -
Perpendicular Lines -
Converge -
Recede -
View Point -

Aerial perspective terms:

Foreground -
Middleground -
Background -
Contrast -
Line of Sight -
Saturated -
Angle -

Highest Quiz and Value Still Life Grades!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Perspective Study Homework / Examples

  • Students must use at least five shapes to demonstrate"vanishing point" and "one point perspective".  Demonstration will be completed by teacher in class on Oct 25th and 26th.   Homework due Oct 29th and Oct 30th.
  • Students must also have completed artist research sheet (found under "pages") and submit Oct 29th or Oct 30th.  

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Slide Identification Quiz

Students will have a slide identification quiz next week.  Please study each image and recall the title, artist, and one fact about the piece.  Citing the year will count as extra credit, but can not be your fact. 

Here are the slides, in order:

Charles Willson Peale "The Artist in His Museum" 1822
Vincent van Gogh "The Red Vineyard" 1888
Horace Pippin "John Brown Going to His Hanging" 1942
Horace Pippin "Mr. Prejudice" 1943
Charles Willson Peale "Portrait of Yarrow Mamout" 1819