Saturday, November 24, 2012

Moving Into Themes, Homework due Nov 29th / 30th

Hi Students, so as you may have gathered from class on Friday, we are moving into analyzing our own self expression and making deliberate choices to convey a purpose.  We will be talking about themes, personal narratives, and social comments a lot in the upcoming months. 

Since you are still developing your artist research paper and power point presentation for December, your homework will continue to be light until then. 

Please come to class on Nov 29th B day and Nov 30th A day with a list of 5 current social issues that matter most to you.  Notice that social issues are topics that you would like to see changed or improved in our society.  This will be discussed in class the 27th and 28th, but my top 5 are:

1. ethical animal treatment / animal rights
2. arts education for all students
3. environmental concerns
4. treatment of our senior citizens
5. obesity, especially in children

Other issues may include, but are certainly not limited to: child abuse / neglect, gun laws, homelessness, discrimination, immigration laws, divorce rates, violent video games, drug use / sales, political concerns, war, teenage pregnancy, etc

See you soon -
Mrs. Johnson

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