Saturday, November 10, 2012

Upcoming Artist Presentation

Students, please do not forget that your rough drafts are due to me on either November 16th (A day) or the 19th (B day).  These can be hand written, they can be in note form, and spelling will not count. 

Your final presentations will be on the following dates:

A day:
December 10th, 12th, or 14th - there are 9 slots per day.
B day:
December 11th, 13th, or 17th - there are 9 slots per day.
A snow day(s) will bump these dates back. 

There is a sign up sheet available in the classroom to add your name to the date of your choice, or you can email me at to reserve you day.  This is a first come first serve basis. 

See you all Tuesday!
Ms. Johnson

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