Thursday, November 1, 2012

Nov 2nd/5th Homework Assignments

Assigned Nov 2nd / 5th
  • Students also complete perspective vocabulary sheet, due the 7th / 8th, also provided in class. 
  • Students also complete three “fix the mistake” bibliography examples to prepare for their own bibliography, also provided in class, due Nov 9th / 13th
  • Students are to begin writing their artist research paper, rough draft should be completed by Nov 16th / 19th – can be read by teacher for feedback. 

One Point perspective terms:

Vanishing Point -
Horizon Line -
Parallel Lines -
Perpendicular Lines -
Converge -
Recede -
View Point -

Aerial perspective terms:

Foreground -
Middleground -
Background -
Contrast -
Line of Sight -
Saturated -
Angle -

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