Friday, January 11, 2013

Sketchbook Homework due Jan 23rd and 24th

Students will complete a vocabulary sheet and the choice of three of the following five sketch options.  Drawings must be in a sketch book.
1. An aerial perspective in color utilizing the three techniques to show depth.
2. Three value studies of your hand in various positions.
3. One point perspective of either a hallway or street view, must have details and must have a vanishing point. 
4. One sketch representing one of your social issues identified earlier.
5. Two sketches of objects from home, must look at objects, do not make these drawings up out of your head.

Students, credit will not be given if no effort is present, if your drawings are on lined paper, if your value studies are in pen, or if you try to do these during class time.  You've been warned.  :)

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