Sunday, December 16, 2012

Understanding and Applying Aerial Perspective

Students identified key components of depth in natural settings and are creating their own landscape showing:
1. objects reducing in size as they recede
2. objects reducing in color saturation as they recede
3. objects moving towards the horizon line as they recede (up the page for land, down the page for sky)

Students can also add surrealist elements or symbolic elements to their landscape if they chose. 

Here is a power point we discussed during the initial stages of this process...

Monday, December 3, 2012

Newly Enrolled Students...

Welcome!  We are so glad you're joining us!  In lieu of completing the Art research paper, due for your peers next week, you have two smaller assignments.

First you will need a sketchbook for this class, and second you must complete three value study (shaded) drawings of objects in it, of your choice.  Please be sure to look at actual objects or images, do not make these particular objects up out of your head.

Both the sketchbook and the drawings are due A day 10th, B day 11th.