Friday, August 31, 2012

Welcome Back!

Welcome Art students!

It will be my pleasure working with you this year.  Please check this blog at least once weekly for reminders, updates, and correspondence.

Your first assignment is to have a sketchbook and pencil for class starting Sept 19th, so please refer to list of available stores to collect materials.  The list is located in the Information Bar to the right of the blog, along with other pertinent information.  A paper list will also be provided the first day of class.  Your assignment due in the sketchbook will be provided the first day as well, and is due Sept 24th for B Day classes and 25th for A Day classes.

Please see me with any questions, I will be available 7:20am - 3:30pm Monday through Thursday at 215-276-5253 ext 2342, and Fridays until 2:45pm.  I am also available via email

Mrs. Johnson

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