Friday, January 13, 2012

Artist Reseach Paper Criteria

Due Date: Friday Jan 27, 2012


Students are to research an artist of choice. The artist must be a well known visual artist, not musician or writer.

Research must include at least one book, and can also include magazine articles or websites.

Please see Mrs. Johnson’s art book library, the King School library, and your local library for reference books.

Students will collect relevant biographical information about the artist such as when and where the artist lived, as well as other specifics such as:

1. what style did the artist work in / contribute to?

2. what influenced the artist?

3. who trained the artist, where did they learn their craft?

4. did they work mainly for love of art or for the income?

5. what famous pieces did the artist produce, and where are those pieces now?

6. how you as the viewer feel about the artwork, what do you like about it / what don’t you like?

7. what influences have they had on art history?

Students will type a double-spaced three to five page paper on their artist, and can either print or email the teacher the report, saved as a word document and attached to an email.

Spelling, grammar, and content are all factored into the grade.

The bibliography for this research paper will be a separate additional page citing each source used.

Using sources and not citing them, or copying directly from the text, is called plagiarism. Be sure to put all knowledge into your own words. Plagiarizing is very serious, and you will fail this paper if you plagiarize (in college, you could also be expelled).

You may email me your final paper as an attachment to

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