Monday, May 26, 2014

Art 1 Homework, Assigned May 27th, due June 2nd

Students will reflect on what they have learned throughout their Art course, and write three to five paragraphs defending one of the two following statements:

Art is a worthwhile investment of school money and resources, and should be taught in schools.


Art is not a worthwhile investment of school money and resources, and should not be taught in schools.

Written argument should be checked for spelling and grammar, and can be hand written or emailed to by 2:34 pm Monday June 2nd.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Art 1 Homework, Assigned May 21, due Tuesday May 27

Students will complete a design for an interior space, please use one or two point perspective, a color scheme of choice, and draw a piece of art into the scene.

Color scheme must be identified on back of page, and artwork drawn into space can be one or two dimensional.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Art 1 Homework, Assigned May 5th, due May 9th

Students will create 8 drawings:
  • three quality value studies of objects of their choice showing highlight, middle value, shadows, and cast shadows
  • five blind contour drawings of objects of their choice
Work MUST be without wrinkles rips or folds, and completed on blank paper to be accepted.

Value Study
Blind Contour