Sunday, March 16, 2014

Art 2/3 Homework, Assigned March 17th, due throughout week

Students will be required to gather source imagery for their social comment piece, considering expressive content, composition, color, and line quality.  Images will be used as visual aides for their expressive painting.

Students will bring in photograph of person for gridded portrait painting by Monday March 24th.

Art 1 Homework, Assigned March 17th, due March 31st

Students will design a pattern or image on an 8 1/2 x 11 piece of paper (or larger) in ball point pen and must utilize the entire contents of the ink pen before it is "complete".

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Art 2/3 Homework, Assigned March 10th, due March 14th

Students are to identify a quality photo of their choice to paint in an upcoming lesson.  Photos must be brought in by Monday March 24th.

Students are to complete five drawings in their sketchbook of objects from their home using blind contour technique.

Art 1 Homework, Assigned March 10th, due March 14th

Assigned March 10th, due March 14th
  • A landscape in color showing depth using the aerial perspective techniques learned in class, must be on blank paper, in sketchbook.  

* Students' first benchmark will be given Wednesday, March 12th, review will take place Monday and Tuesday of that week.  

* Permission slips are available for trip to Academy of Natural Sciences March 28th and Philadelphia Museum of Art April 2nd.  

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Art 1 Homework, Assigned 3/4, due 3/7

Assigned March 3rd, due March 7th
  • One drawing of a room or hallway in your home, must accurately show two walls and either floor or ceiling.  Use one point perspective techniques learned in class.