Sunday, February 23, 2014

Art 2/3 Homework, Assigned Feb 24th, due Feb 28th

Students will brainstorm and create a list of at least ten issues that exist in today's society.

Students will brainstorm what images could be associated with or reflect each issue.

Students will complete two drawings of their choice in their sketchbook.  Must use color.

Art 1 Homework, Assigned Feb 24th, Due Feb 28th

Assigned on Oct 7th, due Oct 11th
  • A still life, assembled at home, at least three objects, drawn and shaded fully.  Objects should overlap slightly for good composition. 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Art 2/3 Homework

Complete three drawings of your choice in your sketchbook.  Drawings should represent a thorough understanding of tonal variations and contrasting values represented in class.  Pencil, pen, and charcoal are all acceptable (charcoal must be sprayed before submission).  Students may use traditional shading, cross hatching, or stippling.

Art 1 Homework, Assigned 2/18 due 2/21

* For students to receive full credit, drawings must be completed in sketchbook. 
  • Perspective vocabulary sheet, under “pages” on blog.
  • Make a “perspective study”, examples below, must have at least five shapes.*  Teacher will demonstrate in class.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Art 2/3 Homework, assigned Feb 11th, due Feb 14th

Reflect on the works of Andres Serrano and Damien Hirst.  Write a one page summary of whether or not Art should push boundaries, and challenge issues like religion, cultural norms, or death.  How can this hurt society, or be detrimental?  What benefit may this serve?  How far is an artist allowed to push these boundaries?

At least 5 paragraphs, typed or hand written, must be legible.  Can be emailed to by 2:30 pm Friday.

Art 1 Homework assigned Feb 11th, due Feb 14th

Assigned Feb 11th, due Feb 14th

Students will complete three value studies in their sketchbook, objects of their choice from home, drawn and FULLY shaded in.   Must show cast shadows.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Welcome Spring Semester

Dear Students and Families,

It is my great pleasure to welcome you all to my Art class!

We have many projects lined up, and I hope you enjoy each one.  I will be going over my introduction sheet, course syllabus, and class procedures on the first day of school, but you can also find links to these under "pages", along the right hand side of this blog.

Please check this site regularly for updates, homework assignments, and links to class material.  Also feel free to contact me at any time,, and 215-276-5253 ext 2342.

Thank you,
Mrs. Johnson