Saturday, December 14, 2013

Homework Assigned Dec 16th, Due Dec 20th

Students complete a value study of their own face, using a mirror as reference.  Scaling and proportion will be taught in class.  Here is an example. 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Homework Due Friday the 13th

Students will complete a series of 3 - 5 drawings of their choice - these can be studies, such as the value or line quality studies we have done in class, or anime, illustrations, or any other form of drawing that interests the student. Explore - you can draw whatever you want! Complete drawings on blank paper, in sketchbook. Due Friday Dec 13th.

Examples completed:

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

In Progress Color Wheels

Students learned to mix secondary and tertiary colors, tints, shades, and to reduce chroma by mixing complementary colors while developing a design of their own creation.