Sunday, September 29, 2013

Homework Assignment due Oct 4th

Assigned Sept 30, due Oct 4th
  • Perspective vocabulary sheet, under “pages” on blog.
  • Make a “perspective study”, examples below, must have at least five shapes. Teacher will demonstrate in class.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Homework Assignment due Sept 27th

Assigned Sept 23rd, due Sept 27th
  • Place five images of interesting drawings on  Google search drawings, and play around with wording until you find images you like, and then attach the url to the page.  POST YOUR NAME with each image so that you get credit.
  • Three value studies, objects of your choice from home, drawn and FULLY shaded in.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Homework Assignment Due Sept 20th

Assigned Sept 16th, due Sept 20th
  • Three (3) cross contour drawings of fruits, vegetables, or hand.  Example below.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Homework Assignment due Sept 12th and Sept 13th

Assigned Sept 9th

Students will complete the vocabulary term list given in class, (and is also available as a link available under the "pages" list on the blog), due Sept 12th.
Students will complete two of these three drawing options, in their sketchbook, due Sept 13th.  
1. Three line drawings of leaves as a fresh leaf curls and dries.
2. Three line drawings of your hand in various positions.
3. Two sketches of feet, must look at real feet, not a picture.

If you have any questions about this assignment, please see me or email me at