Thursday, May 30, 2013

Finished Social Comment Work

Students viewed artwork that addresses a social issue or makes a visual statement about a current topic for several months, considering how a viewer decides what the artist is trying to convey, how the media, size, and placement of the work supports the artist's message, and whether the work is successful.  Then students selected a topic of their own, drafted plans to create a piece about this issue, decided on what media to use, how large the piece should be, and where it should be placed in the school.  The artist statement, describing to the viewer what each piece is about, can be seen on the paper accompanying the work.

Gun violence

Environmental conservationism

This clock represents the changes views on homosexuality over time

Abortion, Marijuana Legalization, and Teen Pregnancy

Peer Pressure and Conformity


Child Abuse


Global warming

Animal Testing

Animal cruelty




Final Homework

Students will submit a brief written essay (3-5 paragraphs) on whether or not art should be kept and funded in schools.  Students can hand write and submit this, or email it directly to me.  Due June 7th and 10th. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A wonderful Art show!

Our school had a very successful Academies Expo and Art Show!  Lots of local community turn out.  Toyota Teen Driver program was there, as well as WHYY Newsworks and Senator Leanna Washington.  Here's some pictures from our show!


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Drawing Your Hand Homework

Students are to complete value studies of their hand in three different positions.  Please do not attempt to submit any work that is folded, messy, on lined paper, just an outline, or traced.
Due A day 5/20, B day 5/22.

* Please note that classes will be reorganized due to testing Mon-Wed next week and so you may not have a full class between assignment and due date, do not forget that assignment is due.