Thursday, October 25, 2012

Perspective Study Homework / Examples

  • Students must use at least five shapes to demonstrate"vanishing point" and "one point perspective".  Demonstration will be completed by teacher in class on Oct 25th and 26th.   Homework due Oct 29th and Oct 30th.
  • Students must also have completed artist research sheet (found under "pages") and submit Oct 29th or Oct 30th.  

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Slide Identification Quiz

Students will have a slide identification quiz next week.  Please study each image and recall the title, artist, and one fact about the piece.  Citing the year will count as extra credit, but can not be your fact. 

Here are the slides, in order:

Charles Willson Peale "The Artist in His Museum" 1822
Vincent van Gogh "The Red Vineyard" 1888
Horace Pippin "John Brown Going to His Hanging" 1942
Horace Pippin "Mr. Prejudice" 1943
Charles Willson Peale "Portrait of Yarrow Mamout" 1819

Monday, October 15, 2012

Homework due Oct 23rd, 24th

**  Have a resource for your artist research paper, at least one reputable resource, a book or online site.  If you have questions about its reputability please see me before assignment due date.

Draw three things with different textures from your house, i.e. teddy bear, hair brush, house plant, coffee mug, plastic bag, welcome mat, etc. Try to show the textures through the line.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Homework due Oct 11th, 12th

Students mare to assemble a small still life at home of at least three objects.  Objects must overlap slightly.  Students will draw and shade this still life representing a full tonal range...

professional example:

Classwork Due Oct 3rd, 4th

Students utilized their value study techniques to complete three drawn and shaded objects from available objects in a box.  All students had to complete the sphere study as one of their objects.