Monday, September 26, 2011

9/26 Sketchbook Homework

Students represent three objects showing highlight, middle tones, and shadow. Due Wednesday 9/28.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Negative Space Drawing

Students are working on learning to see and draw the "negative space" of still lives, or the gaps or empty spaces between objects. These drawings, once complete, will be retraced in sharpie for emphasis on the linear quality and pencil marks erased.
Assignment due Wednesday Sept 28th.

Value Study Still Lives are done!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

9/21 Sketchbook Homework Blind Contour Drawings

Students are to complete three blind contour drawings of their hand, one relaxed, one clenched, and one holding an object. This assignment is due Friday the 23rd.

9/23 Addition - one of my completed student home work assignments:

Monday, September 19, 2011

9/19 Sketchbook Homework Autumn Inspiration

Students are to complete three drawings that remind them of autumn. These can be conceptual, objects, or landscapes, and can use color if the artist prefers. Must be shaded in, on blank paper, in their sketchbook, due Friday 9/23.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Back to School Parent Teacher Night!!

Thank you everyone for a wonderful evening! It was so nice to meet all of you, please keep in touch with me via email or phone 215-276-5253 ext 2342.

Starting Still Lives

The students started their first sustained drawing today, a pencil drawing of a still life, representing a full spectrum of value and good use of the page are criteria for this assignment.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Shading Spheres

Today my classes did an amazing job of tackling the challenging world of highlight and shadow representing multiple light sources.

Mydeah Shaw

James Coleman

Jayna Wright

Tevin Saunders

Tiayona Fulcher

Marquieta Johnson

Joshua Felton

Cassemare Georges

Michael Chase

Alexis Blackston

Bryant Hightower

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Indroduction to Value and Still Lives

Today my classes really rose to the challenge, working on a one day study from their first still life of the year, and adding value (shading) where appropriate. Assignments were in pencil.

We then held our first critique of the year, reviewing "constructive criticism" and "descriptive praise".

Monday, September 12, 2011

Picasso's Igor Stravinksy Upside Down Drawing

Students use the upside down technique to turn off "symbols" used in their artwork and refocus on exactly what is in front of them.

9/12 Sketchbook Shaded and Detailed Leaf Drawings

Students are to draw, shade, and add details to three leaf drawings, drawings should be of dead leaves brought into the house and set on a table, slightly dried and therefore slightly curled. Drawings should be completed in pencil. Assignment due Friday 9/16.

9/16 Addition - one of my completed student home work assignments:

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Rembrandt article and Reproduction Classwork

Students will read an article on the thefts of Rembrandt works and answer 5 questions on the article. Students will also complete as much as possible of a "reproduction" in pencil of a piece of artwork on the board. This class work will be collected and graded.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Blind Contour Drawings

Students became familiar with term and technique "blind contour drawing" and applied technique to drawings of their hands. This process turns off the "symbols" we rely on for our drawings.

Monday, September 5, 2011


Hi Students and Parents, welcome to Mrs. Johnson Caucci's Art 2 course! This year we will have a wonderful time exploring drawing and painting techniques, designing and creating three dimensional art, and improving our ability to assess and discuss art.

Some things students and parents should know:
1. There will be weekly homework assignments due in a sketchbook. The sketchbook is required by Sept 16th and can be purchased at many office or art stores. A list will be sent home with students. Also required every day for class is a pencil and eraser.
2. Work and homework will be posted regularly on this website, so even if a students misses a few days, the work should still be completed on time.
3. I can be contacted anytime at PLEASE feel free to contact me with any questions you may have!